While we work to achieve positive outcomes for individual people through our casework, our aims go well beyond that. Some of the worst examples of distress, disadvantage and injustice experienced by our clients arise from systemic problems within the social security system.
We recognise the need for a better social security system that meets people’s needs so they can live safely, with dignity, and with the ability to fully participate in the community. We use the knowledge we gain through our casework and community education work to advocate for reforms to make the Australian social security system fairer for everyone.
Our membership of Economic Justice Australia (EJA) plays a key role in our law reform efforts. Economic Justice Australia is the peak organisation representing the collective experience of 15 community legal centres providing specialist advice to people on social security all over Australia. We regularly meet through events chaired by EJA to discuss key issues, develop policy positions, and participate in research to further our law reform goals. Our CEO is the Chair of EJA.
- Make it easier to challenge Centrelink decisions
- Push Centrelink to better inform people of their entitlements
- First Nations justice: advocate for better access to Centrelink
income support - Domestic and family violence: get laws changed to help
victim-survivors with Centrelink debts