Volunteer Program

Are you interested in joining our great team of volunteers? Our volunteer program offers four  types of volunteering opportunities: 

Administration Volunteers
Admin volunteers

Our Administration Volunteers answer incoming calls, respond to website inquiries, undertake file and data management, and provide paralegal support to extend the capacity of our office administration and casework practice.

We ask our administration volunteers to commit to 1x 4 hour shift for a minimum of 6-months. For administration volunteers who stay on after 6 months, there may be opportunities to progress within our organisation to our intake & triage team. Recruitment occurs twice a year, in January & June, to align with university semesters. Nevertheless, we welcome applications at any time.

Download application form

Communications Volunteers

Our Communications Volunteers assist with research, administration and many other tasks required to implement our communications strategy, including producing content for social media and supporting our design needs. Whether developing campaigns, creating still images and video, writing and editing copy, or assisting with our community legal education program, their insight and efforts are invaluable!

Like our Administration Volunteers, we ask for a minimum 6-month commitment, but are flexible on whether you would like to volunteer for a full day or half a day. We have a limited capacity for Communications Volunteers, however we welcome applications at any time.

Download application form

Practical Legal Training (PLT) 

Our PLT students perform a variety of research and legal preparation work as well as assisting with office and administrative work. Responsibilities include paralegal and administrative duties, taking client instructions during intake shifts, research, minor casework, reviewing documents, and management of incoming enquiries.

There is the opportunities for law students and graduates to complete their PLT placements at our Centre for 2-4 days a week for the required period (usually 75 days). Please note these are unpaid positions.

If you are interested in completing your PLT placement, please send through your resume and an expression of interest letter to [email protected].

Placement Students 

We also take on a limited number of placements for students in programs or degrees such as PACE, communications, and social work.

If you are interested in undergoing a placement with us, please send through your resume and an expression of interest letter to [email protected].

You can learn more about our volunteers and their experience at Welfare Rights Centre here.

If you have any other questions about our recruitment process or Volunteer Program, please email [email protected]